Quote Gandy="Gandy"www.youtube.com/watch?v=A7-et6E8ptg
Great video this.
Does this now mean Bailey owns Maurie??'"
I'll tell you what that video does show.
Graham came on with one intent and Bailey laughed him off. Immediatley after the scrum Bailey lined up at 1st receiver to run at him. Ball went left and we got a penalty because of Cunnigham's thuggery.
Bailey then runs laterally to get
at Graham. Bailey also runs to the left of the ruck to get straight at Graham but the ball goes right.
Graham did his best work on Ryan by either shouting at him from 15 yards away or lining him up 3rd man in. Bailey just kept trying to get at Graham. Not once did Graham drive the ball at Bailey.
Can't wait for the cup game and for our forwards to show Mr Graham exactly how it is done. What a c*nt the big soft ginner made of himself.