Quote Bulls4Champs2010="Bulls4Champs2010"Yes, Addy is a player that can make something happen, he's got better vision and looks for something and works to make it happen. He looks for space and gets into it, he busts a few tackles and finds the smart pass. Probably doesnt get through as much work definsivley as Donaldson but when he's called upon to defend he makes the tackles usually. Donaldson on the other hand, doesnt offer us anything going forward, he doesnt make ground, doesnt get into space and his only hope going into a tackle is ducking under it. I haven't seen anything in Donaldson that leads me to think he could turn a game, where as Addy has already shown he can do it. Donaldson isnt big enough for the role he's being asked to play, he doesnt crash through tackles on the edges, he doesnt step around anybody and he doesn't break the line. There's more than likley a reason he isnt being asked to play a role like Sinfield does, and it's probably because his skills arn't good enough for it, and IMHO his skills and attributes arn't suited for the role he's playing now either.
Addy, Olbison and Whitehead are all heads and shoulders above Donno IMO. Haven't seen enough of Batemean, but I'd probably opt for him before Donno. I really don't rate him.
What have you seen from Donno that makes you think in the future he could turn games in the future? I mean he hasnt done anything as yet with the ball in hand has he?'"
and besides all that donno refused to pick you up and give you a lift to that match last year