Quote Khlav Kalash="Khlav Kalash"Hopefully Quins will now bombard all media outlets with this info over the next 23.5 hours.'"
What....Like WH Smiths on the High Street
Quins Marketing department

are grasping at straws. This is not a planned campaign, but a knee-jerk reaction to their MASSIVE campaign of flooding the train system with 5 posters and 5,000 plactic ticket wallets didn't get the desired MASSIVE result

for the visits of Wakey and the French. Even worse, this offer was first announced 4 days before the Salford game with a view to getting the group from about 900 to 2,000...........now the target is 1,500....progress it ain't!
If they have no budget, it would seem chirlish of me to poke fun at them, but if they have no budget it does beggar the question "why have a marketing department at all"....especially if this is all thay have to offer
I am informed that 1,200 is the lowest ever gate for a televised SuperLeague game....and that record will be safe, but a sub 2k gate is on the cards.......and an average of 2,400 after 4 games