Quote Rogues Gallery="Rogues Gallery"Unlike a lot of Wigan fans, Briers is a player I've always rated. If only he had the same dedication as say Shaun Edwards or Mike Gregory how good could he have been?'"
I'm a bit split on that one tbh Rogues. It has certainly looked at times that he has had issues, but then so has Sean Long.Fortunately for Long he has had the benefit of playing for a leading team for most of his career.
Had Briers played in a better Wire team, his class would have shown and he would have had more caps IMO.
Of course it would be great if all players had the commitment and effort of the players you mentioned, but they were freaks, and way more professional than the majority of players from recent history.
Look at Andrew Johns. He is hardly a shining example, but his RL has spoken for itself. I always think Briers' off field reputation has been over played simply due to the fact that his form hasn't always been that good. Look at some of the players he has had to work with though, and that may explain more IMHO.