Quote Mother Feka="Mother Feka"Disagree with you there, if you buy a season ticket it should guarantee you a place in the south stand every match no matter what time you turn up, bad business by Wire there. '"
I've just said the very same thing to a friend.
His reply was something along the lines of the club assuming that 10% of season ticket holders don't turn up for a game, obviously this is on average, taking into consideration of low attended games, rather than sell outs and they admit paying fans up to this point.
Basically, if there is 3,000 season ticket holders and 800 spaces left, they will allow 800 in who pay on the gate, plus up to 300 of spaces reserved for ticket holders. I guess, from the clubs perspective, it means the South stand is always as full as possible.
99.9% of the time it doesn't raise an issue, and the times it does, it's only those who arrive 5 minutes before kick off who are affected. I believe this was the case yesterday.
One thing I did notice was that fans were admitted into the stand, then moved into the West. Surely if 3,800 have gone through the turnstiles, they should be closed immediately and anyone else will have to actually enter the West through the turnstiles in that stand.