Quote Silent- Assassin="Silent- Assassin"After yesterdays outburst I think I owe a few people apologies, firstly I apologise to starbug I know you are nothing like what I tried to portray you as, I think you are a really nice bloke and Im truelly sorry for my stupid, petty name calling. Secondly I would like to apologise to Lynda nothing I was saying was aimed at you personally and Im sorry if you thought otherwise, I know how much hard work you put in behind the scenes for LISA. Thirdly I apologise to Anthony Nicholson and his family if they thought it was a dig at him, I can promise you it most definitely wasnt, I think he is one of the best prospects we have had for a long time. Also like to apologise to anyone else that my comments may have upset.
Really sorry
I also apologise to you for my personal comment aimed at you. Roll on the new season when we've got something proper to argue about!