Quote Mookachaka="Mookachaka" critisize the immegration policy then i might start taking your side
The lines from the BNP page you recommended are in italics, with my comments beneath.
Quote Mookachaka[iIMMIGRATION - time to say ENOUGH!
On current demographic trends, we, the native British people, will be an ethnic minority in our own country within sixty years.[/i'"
This is scaremongering, and is just not the case. The key word is 'current'... and that word is undefined. Yes, for half a dozen years, the UK experienced higher levels of immingration.
But that is a short-term trend, influenced by one-off events like the wars in Iraq and Afghansistan, the collapse of Zimbabwe, and the accession of the eastern European states into the EU. All demographics show that immigration levels vary, and all past experience shows that the fundamental makeup of British society carries a continuum without undergoing radical change.
Moreover, many of those who did come into our land in the last 5-10 years are now going home again... Poles now the pound is worth less and their own economy is improving, Iraqis now their country is becoming a safe democracy rather than a war-torn dictatorship, and so on.
Added to that, there's a more fundamental lie here... immigrants may not be native British people, but their kids are (native means born here, from Latin via French). The children of immigrants are the Svabic and Drummond and Martyn and Manfredi kids. Britain in 60 years will be different from Britain today, regardless of whether the Britons of 60 years' time were born of English-born or immigrant parents... but they will be Britons nonetheless.
...unless by 'native British people' the BNP don't actually mean people born here... unless they mean white people.... but surely the BNP wouldn't be racist, so lets take them at their word. And their word, here, is rubbish... in 60 years, the overwhelming majority of people living in Britain will have been born here, just as is the case now.
Quote Mookachaka[iTo ensure that this does not happen, and that the British people retain their homeland and identity, we call for an immediate halt to all further immigration, the immediate deportation of criminal and illegal immigrants, and the introduction of a system of voluntary resettlement whereby those immigrants who are legally here will be afforded the opportunity to return to their lands of ethnic origin assisted by a generous financial incentives both for individuals and for the countries in question.[/i'"
There's a lot here. First, 'British people retain their homeland and identity'. Most of the Muslim kids in Bradford and Leicester are British... this is the land of their birth, the only homeland they have ever known.... but somehow I don't think this is the homeland and identity that the BNP wants to preserve.
So, we're into a discussion of what it means to be British. Me, I take the wide view... we're not the same in Leigh as they are in London, nor are my neighbours in Exeter the same as the Geordies. Our land and language are famed for welcoming allcomers, for adapting them and accommodating them and making them part of the larger, richer definition of English and of Britishness. Scots are scots and welsh are welsh and English are English and the Afrocarribean communities are afrocarribbean, but they all fit in the broad church of Britishness, and three cheers for that.
Next... the BNP will call for an immediate halt to all further immigration. ALL? So, if there aren't enough trained nurses willing to work for the NHS rather than take their qualifications to the higher-earning economies in Australia and the USA, we won't welcome in any more Philipino or Nigerian medical staff? We'll let our patients go without care because we don't want any immigrants??
And if our companies need specialist technicians, we'd rather lose our competitive edge rather than bring in world-class expertise, even when we lose our export markets, and the British economy nosedives as foreign competitors, who can and will recruit the best in the world, take our businesses apart? Oh, and when our industry stutters for want of world leading talent, then our own talented people will of course follow the money and leave our lands..
And what about our university system, which is funded almost completely by the money charged to foreign students? No more immigration at all, remember, so no more chinese and american kids at college here, so a shortfall of billions in funding the education of our next-generation of entrepeneurs and business leaders... so, short term crisis, long term catastrophe, as the world enters the information age and our higher-education system crumbles...
...you think this is far fetched, but the only way to legally enter the UK is as a student, or as the possessor of specialist skills at work that no EU citizen can offer. It is very very hard to come to the UK to work, and under the new laws only the best in their field get in. Cut ourselves off from that, and we are crippling the long-term viability of the UK economy.
Quote Mookachaka"[ithe immediate deportation of criminal and illegal immigrants[/i"... '"
Couldn't agree more. In fact that's what illegal immigrant means, someone who's not allowed to be here. Nothing controversial in this.
Quote Mookachaka[iWe will abolish the ‘positive discrimination’ schemes that have made white Britons second-class citizens. [/i'"
Where? Show me, go on. Show me five ‘positive discrimination’ schemes that make white Britons second class citizens. Not where Britons play second fiddle to immigrants, because that’s not what you said. You made this specifically and exclusively about skin colour.
I say you are stirring up race hatred. You show me where white Britons are discriminated against in favour of non-white Britons. Show me these schemes. Tell me who operates them, and on what basis is skin-colour used to favour any given ethic group.
Quote Mookachaka[iWe will also clamp down on the flood of ‘asylum seekers’, all of whom are either bogus or can find refuge much nearer their home countries.[/i'"
Well, you're already a bit late on this one. Asylum applications in 2008 were at their lowest level for 14 years, and are still falling. But this kind of comment is one borne of, and fostering, ignorance... ..the idea that we take disproportionately high numbers of asylum seekers... which isn't true. Take a look at this article, for example...
...notice that, in the case of Iraqis, Sweden receives nine times more Iraqi asylum seekers than the UK, which is behind even Greece... and on top of that, only one in eight asylum seekers is granted asylum... seven in eight, here, are refused. Notice, too, that Syria has 1.2 million Iraqis living there in exile... while we have 0.2% of that number claiming asylum here... most of whom will be sent back... leaving us with 0.025% of the number of Iraqi immigrants that Syria has. Er, so, that IS most of them finding refuge near their homeland, that IS Britain receiving far fewer asylum claims than other EU countries, that IS Britain rejecting the overwhelming majority of even this small number of claims.
There has been a problem with immigration and asylum seeking. It has been addressed, effectively, by the current Government (belatedly, and not without ongoing compliance problems, but its not the problem it was or is made out to be)
The BNP's policies, as per their manifesto, would be exceptionally damaging for Britain's economic position, and are driven by ideology, not by what's good for Britain, but by a scaremongering and inaccurate attempt to blame foreigners (mostly) and non-white Britons (revealingly) for all society's ills.