Quote Code13="Code13"Also it seems there were all sorts of conflicting numbers coming out of the HJ on monday and tuesday
We will have, i am sure more than the 13k we took to twickers'"
To clear this up:
Monday: Sold over 10,000
Tuesday: Sold over 5,000
Wednesday: Sold over 2,500
THis was through the club don't forget, if you take the ticket sales from seeticket.com and the RFL, the numbers drastically increase. So that's 17,500 by Wednesday just at the club. As for coaches:
Club coaches: 33 as of yesterday
Steveo's coaches: 11 as of yesterday
Crosfield's: 2 coaches as of yesterday
Latchford Albion: 1 coach as of yesterday
Now there are people telling us all that there is numerous coaches being organised by sports clubs and pubs all over Warrington and more are appearing every day. Their are many minibuses being rented for various groups aswell, I know of about 5 18 seaters, and that's just in my circle of friends.
Add to that the sold out train we have through the club, which adds another few hundred onto the tally.
I don't we're going to compare ourselves to what you bring, I think you should be proud no matter what the number is. I think we're aiming to impress people enough that they say we took more than Saints or Wigan would have.