Quote Code13="Code13"What, like our big pack did all too often last season?'"
And as our big pack got trampled by Bradford last season, how well will our smaller pack do this season. Bigger packs will dominate in wet weather rugby ( somewhere we struggled with last season) whilst a smaller more mobile pack will be great in dry weather. We cannot aford to get off to a bad start and lose some of the new fans whilst we wait for the weather to get better and the big beasts ( LOD and Faalogo) to come back
ATEOTD it will turn out to be a masterstroke, an unmitigated disaster or somewhere in the middle.
I have to say though that at the minute i feel less confident than i have in any of the last 3 pre seasons, I hope i am wrong
Although i am happy with the players we have got and excited about Chan, Murphy, George and Eden i would be happier if we had one more good big rough tough prop to give us extra options and perssonnel to adapt the team to different matches and conditions.