Quote Parsifal="Parsifal"Back to Guscott...
The best thing that day was Stevo having a right go at him on the TV and the yawnion men trying to stand up for the coward. Don't forget he was very happy to publicy state that one RL club had offered him a million pounds to switch codes ~ The RL clubs were just a public in saying they hadn't!
Personally I never saw anything in him that would have made him league material.
The thing with these games is its alright for people to say how union has changed since then, but it misses the point. For years everyone was told how big, strong, powerful, skilful, fit these union players where ALREADY. League was never given credit by the media and suddenly here it was in front of the viewers.
PROOF of which code had the superior atheletes.
I had a bet with a bloke from Bath sat behind me £50 that we would put 100 on them. He was laughing saying they'd be close. I was telling him the only reason we wouldn't would be if we got bored.
At half hime i pointed out that we'd actually finished the last few minutes without 13 on the pitch because we'd took people off and not bothered sending anyone else on!
He stood up at half time, gave me 50 quid and went home!
Silly sod would have won the bet!
I looked for him at Twickenham at the sevens and at the yawn fest but SADLY never found him.
The best bit at Twickenham was when we were losing in the final and the whole crowd were suddenly supporting Wasps. They really wanted us to lose. The guy stood behind me, (don't know his name but still see him all the time) was offereing anyone a bet that we'd still win as soon as we got hold of the ball but no one wanted to take him up on it.
I know some of you like the crappy game of kick and clap but i hate it with a passion. It will do anything it can to destroy league and thats why i hate it.
If you think that not the case you need to look again.'"
What an incredibly bitter post! To suggest you saw nothing in Guscott to suggest he wouldnt be able to make it in league is just laughable considering the players who did switch and managed to go on to become very good league players. He was twice the rugby players these players were. Why do you think the rugby league clubs were falling over themselves to try and sign him?
As for your last paragraph. lol. Its 2009, not 1989. The codes couldnt be closer. Do you still hate the germans for the second world war too?
Anyway, carry on jerking off about a tournament that was held best part of 15 years ago, funnily enough, also the last time wigan had a decent team because if there was a sevens tournament now, I would take every guiness premiership team over wigan. Union backs in england are now stronger, faster and more skillfull than their league counterparts. We have gone backwards whilst union has really kicked on