Quote Wigan/Leeds Andy="Wigan/Leeds Andy"I'm not sure who/what "them" is/are, hence why I asked the question. Should be pretty easy for you to qualify.'"
Well, let me answer by way of asking you a few questions.
Is it or is it not true that Wigan RL fans have occasionally (more than occasionally in actual fact) been attacked or scoffed at in their own town by other so-called Wiganers?
Is it or is it not true that Cockney Latic regularly features posts from people who do nothing but slag Wigan RL off?
Is it or is it not true that the 'Latics Fanatic' rag-mag once defined itself by making non-stop verbal attacks on Wigan RL, Wigan RL players and Wigan RL fans?
Is it or is it not true that Latics fans in general have devised certain derogatory terms for local RL fans, which have now almot passed into local parlance ‘egg-chasers’, ‘fat inbreds’ etc?
Is it or is it not true that Latics fans regularly used to spend all day sabotaging Wigan RL fan websites until technology overtook them?
Is it or is it not true that Latics fans have for years deluged the local press with anti-Wigan correspondence (until the local press finally decided that enough was enough and stopped printing them - though, to be fair, I wouldn't expect you to know that latter detail).
Is it or is it not true that Latics fans have made repeated calls for Wigan RL to be thrown out of their own stadium?
And in the light of all that, don't you think it highly unlikely that this ongoing progrramme of anti-Wigan RL acitivity might be a bit much for 'just a handful of unrepresentative trouble-makers'?
I appreciate that you support Wigan Athletic, but you also claim to support Wigan RL. When the sort of anti-RL e that I'm responding to gets posted on this forum, it genuinely surprises that you never appear to at least sympathise with those Wigan fans who are irritated by it.
Perhaps we should all just shut up and pretend it isn't happening, eh? Keep our gobs shut on our own message board?