Quote Kosh="Kosh"By the very nature of things this forum is not going to be representative of the sentiments of the 10,000 FC fans who regularly turn up for our home games. The sample is too small for one thing, and for another internet forums tend to have a higher percentage of people who hold 'extreme' views than the general population.
Mind you, your chosen method of comparison seems rather odd. Just because people don't want to start chanting 'Agar out' at home games doesn't mean that they're happy with the coach or want him to continue in the job.'"
The reason I mentioned the chanting thing is that it seems that that is exactly what happens on these threads after every game: one person starts it and everyone joins in. So I half-expected the same last year at the ground but, in fact, no-one did - not one single person.
I always find myself saying in these threads that "I am not sure about Agar myself but".... but I think there have been signs of improvement this year with a relatively newly formed team and coaching staff (around Agar) with an improved work ethic both on and off the field so I want to see a few more games before I join the throng on the weekly bash Agar thread (I did eventually join the Thorman Out brigade). I must admit that the Salford game tempted me to throw my hat into the ring.